How and why OT, Jaime Spencer, transitioned to the online therapy space while advocating for School Based Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy equality.
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Today’s Guest
Jaime Spencer OT
School Based Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy financial inequality lead Jaime to starting an online blog at Miss Jaime OT and advocate for School Based Therapy equality.
- Jaimes story behind her blog journey
- Tips for growing your online business

American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
ConvertKit Email Marketing Platform (Recommended and used by Rehab Rebels)
No Hassle Website (Connivence link for listeners. Rehab Rebels has not used this product)
FREE Build Your Own Brand Website Course (For DIY and those wanting to learn the essentials to building a website. Recommended and used by Rehab Rebels.)
If you have a desire to start your own business, this is a great course Smart From Scratch by Pat Flynn which will help you develop your business idea and put it to the test. (Recommended and used by Rehab Rebels)
School Based Equality for Occupational and Physical Therapists
Listen to School Based SLP Crystal Sanford in Episode 004!
Great resources for starting a business mentioned in other episodes are:
- Also your local University Business and Entrepreneur Departments!
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