Listen how OT, Brittni Shae, quit corporate healthcare and transitioned to health coaching full time. Learn the importance of building a brand, rehab entrepreneurial avenues, and services.
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Today’s Guest
Brittni Shae OT
Burnt out and exhausted from corporate healthcare, Occupational Therapist Brittni bridged the gap from corporate healthcare to starting her own online health coaching business at bshaefit and ergonomics business at Alter Ergo.

- Strategies for improving social medial algorithms
- Many services and resources for entrepreneurs
- Importance of building your brand
- Pricing your services and products
- Health Entrepreneurial avenues
ConvertKit Email Marketing Platform (Recommended and used by Rehab Rebels)
Mailchimp Email Marketing Platform (Connivence link for listeners. Rehab Rebels has not used this product)
GetDPD Sell and Deliver eBooks and Downloads
Zoho Sign Digital signature app
8b Website Builder (Connivence link for listeners. Rehab Rebels has not used this product)
FREE Build Your Own Brand Website Course (For DIY and those wanting to learn the essentials to building a website. Recommended and used by Rehab Rebels.)
If you have a desire to start your own business, this is a great course Smart From Scratch by Pat Flynn which will help you develop your business idea and put it to the test. (Recommended and used by Rehab Rebels)
HEP2go Home Exercise Programs
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